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They Stood in the Door

They Stood in the Door Cover

Although this book is of the Army, describing vicious fighting against Arabian hill tribesmen, Aden terrorists and Indonesian troops in the jungles of Borneo, it is not a war book. The purpose of this story is to introduce its reader to the men who have and are so professionally serving them and their country. But above all it wishes to unveil the barrack-room humour that is so distinctively unique to the British Army and which at times can only be described as totally unbelievable.

'An army is a crowd which obeys.'
Napoleon Bonaparte

They Stayed a Soldier

They Stayed a Soldier Cover

Although a factual and descriptive story in its own right this book is but a follow on of the author's first novel 'They Stood in the Door'. In so writing he has retained many of the original characters, bringing them away from the brushfire wars of the 1960s into the turbulent confusion of Northern Ireland in the early '70s. A difficult and challenging time for the British soldier, for he now found himself killing and being killed by his fellow countrymen. However, his reaction and response to this, as accounted here, may surprise and shock many unfamiliar with the British 'squaddies' temperament.

For when the One Great Scorer comes
To Write against your name,
He marks—not that you won or lost—
But how you played the game,
Grantland Rice

Both obtained from:

Jeremy Tenniswood
36 St. Botolph's Street,
Essex CO2 7EA

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